Riley Blake Designs markets our fabrics under Stephanie Hunt as the designer. When purchasing or searching the Riley Blake website it's actually easier & more efficient to find the Bella Blvd fabrics under "Stephanie Hunt" as the artist.
Spring Table Runner, design by Kathy Frye.
size: 15.5” x 43.5”
a combination of fabrics from the Sunny Happy Skies and Puppy Parks collections
by Bella Blvd
Supplies and Cutting Directions
Please read all
directions first. All seams are
3/8 yd - Green (SHS) tone on tone floral – cut (3) pieces 12.5” squares
3/4 yd – Aqua, Green, Black (PP) stripe - cut (3) pieces 2.5” x width of fabric (borders), cut (1) piece 16” x width of fabric (back), and cut (6) squares 2.5” (pieced sashing)
1/4 yd – Green Grid (PP) – appliquéd leaves and cut (6) squares 2.5” (pieced sashing)
1/3 yd – Aqua Lace (SHS) - appliquéd flowers and cut (6) squares 2.5” (pieced sashing)
1/4 yd – Yellow Grid (PP) – appliquéd flower centers and cut (6) pieces 2.5” (pieced sashing)
3/8 yd - Tan Burlap – cut (3) squares 11” (pull a burlap thread both directions in a corner, then cut in the ‘gap” between the threads. Repeat to get the gap in the opposite corner, measuring 11” over. Pull a thread 11” down from the first mark, to get an 11” sq.)
15.” x 43” Fusible Fleece
1 yd - Fusible Product for appliqué
Threads to match fabrics for appliqué
Tear away stabilizer for behind appliqué
Piecing and Appliqué Directions
Trace the flower 3 times onto the paper side of the fusible product. Cut around the flowers (not on the traced line, cut a little bigger), fuse the shape to the back of the Aqua Lace fabric (follow the manufacturer’s directions). Now cut the flowers out on the traced line.
Trace the flower center 3 times, fuse to the back of the Yellow Grid fabric, cut out.
Trace the leaves, 2 or 3 of each leaf, fuse to the back of the Green Grid fabric, and cut them out.
Fringe the burlap squares, about 3/4 inch on each side.
Layer burlap square on a Green 12.5” square, centering the burlap. Pin. Using matching thread, do a regular zig-zag stitch around the burlap square, stitching at the start of the fringe. This will secure the burlap to the fabric, and also prevent more fringing. Repeat for other 2 squares.
Center and fuse the flowers and leaves on the burlap, be sure to tuck the rounded leaf ends under the flowers. Center the flower center and fuse.
Pin a square of stabilizer behind the green fabric before appliquéing. To appliqué, use a satin stitch (very close zip-zag) and match your thread color to the appliqué pieces. Secure your stitches at the beginning and end. Or use the appliqué method of your choice. The pieces do not have to be reversed. Appliqué the leaves first.
When appliquéing the flower petals, stitch over the leave stitching ends, securing them again.
Appliqué the flower centers last, stitch over the ends of the flower petal stitching, securing them also. Remove the stabilizer.
{back view of the block after the appliqué is finished}
Piece a variety of the 2.5” squares together to make a sashing piece – 2.5” wide x 12.5” long. Make 2 of these sashing pieces. Press the seam allowances all the same direction.
Sew a pieced sashing strip to a flower block, (right sides together), press the seam allowance away from the sashing strip. Repeat, so that the 2 sashing strips are in between the 3 flower blocks.
Measure the length of the table runner, using that measurement, cut 2 of the border strips to that measurement. Sew the 2 long border pieces to the center of the table runner. Press seams towards the borders. Now measure the width of the table runner, cut the 2 short borders to that measurement. Sew the 2 short borders and press seams. Press the table runner.
The backing fabric piece will be a little short, so add another piece of leftover fabric to the end, making it the same size as the finished front.
Fuse the Fusible Fleece piece to the wrong side of the backing fabric (follow the manufactures directions). It should be just a tiny bit smaller than the back, to reduce the bulk in the seams.
Layer the table runner front with the back /fusible fleece piece – right sides together. Pin the sides. Sew around all 4 sides, leave a 6” opening on a short side for turning. Trim the corners. Turn the table runner right side out. Press the edges. Hand sew the opening closed. Quilt as desired!
You can download and print full instructions, supply list, and flower pattern for this fun project right HERE.
This is just gorgeous! LOVING the added burlap!!! Pinning this!!
Posted by: Julie Tucker-Wolek | April 30, 2013 at 08:33 AM
Another beautiful sewing project! Love the finished piece and the quilted design details! :)
Posted by: Mendi Yoshikawa | April 30, 2013 at 11:59 AM