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February 08, 2013


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Becky Williams

This is absolutely incredible! You did such a beautiful job!


My guess is 1600 hearts. Just an amazing creation! How will you preserve it?

Margie Visnick

1110 paper hearts? Just a guess!Beautiful, though!


So amazing!! I could only imagine how much time was spent creating this !! 1925 hearts?


Wow, just gorgeous! My guess is 2350 hearts.

Leslie Murphy

This is fantastic! My guess is 3250 hearts were used. I'd like to know how many HOURS it took to create this!

Nicole Stinson

Georgeous! My guess is 4,025 hearts!

Nicole Stinson

Sorry forgot to mention "The Scrapbook Store" in my previous post of 4025 hearts!

Nicole Hangartner

Great Job Beth!! Simply Breath Taking - My guess is 3550 hearts - "The Scrapbook Store" sent me :)

LuAnn M

I think 3696 hearts were used. The dress looks fantastik!

Andrea Kuenzel

beautiful!!! 2.498


just stunning ,my guess is 2500 :)

Sheila Wilson

I think it took 4,995 hearts and the Scrapbook store sent me! The dress was absolutely beautiful! My name is Sheila Wilson


LOVE this, so beautiful and creative! My guess is 3,200 hearts!

Lisa P

That is pretty amazing to see a dress that gorgeous and know it is all paper. Wow! The time that must have taken and the creativity involved absolutely leaves me speechless. I am going to guess 2697 hearts.

Christine Slak

I'm guessing 2156 but not sure if my guess should count since I've ahd the advantage of seeing the dress in person displayed at The Scrapbook Store!


I guess 1,700 hearts! :)

Stacy Lulinski

It's simply gorgeous. My guess is 2592 hearts.

Renee Hundt

7,500 <3


3261 love the dress

Christina Collins

It was gorgeous! <3
My guess is 1,032.

Andrea Garland

Oh my god so many details and hard work on that dress. I guessed There was like 5307 hearts

Dianne M

Love the dress. I think it took 4800 hearts.

scrapper al

1728, let's see how good my math and estimating skills are, lol. The dress is gorgeous and must have been a blast to create! (and a little tedious with all those hearts and scallops)

Miriam Prantner



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