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August 13, 2012


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Susan @ Designteamcalls.com

How exciting!! We have shared with our readers at DesignTeamCalls.com!! Best of luck friends!!

Julie Tucker-Wolek

How exciting!!! Good luck to everyone that applies!!!


Oh I have been waiting for this call, I kicked myself in the tucus for missing it last time :)

Mendi Yoshikawa

Hooray! I'm so excited! Crossing my fingers that my box of new Bella Blvd. play things arrives very soon, but in the meantime I'm going to get busy. :)

Kathy Martin

This is an awesome team to be on! Good luck everyone!

Brook Stewart

This has been an amazing company to work for!! I wish I could do it again this year, but I'll be looking for the call again next year! Don't hesitate to go for it!!!

Jessica Pascarella

I am excited!!!


How exciting, better get busy!!

Gina Hensel

This is exciting news...I have never entered anything like this before! Can't wait to get started on my projects. I did want to let Bella Blvd. know that they have the submission deadline with a 2013 date...thanks! Gina H.

Andrea Amu

Great news!!!
Looks like I need to dive into my Bella Blvd. stash!

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