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October 04, 2011


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Becky Williams

What fun projects, everyone! It's so fun to learn more about all of you.

Kathy Martin

Wow, wow, wow! Ladies! You all rock! And I'm absolutely honored to be working with you! Especially those of you who are making cards with me! ;)

Anabelle O'Malley

So fun reading about you girls!! Awesome projects. ;)

LG Belarmino

gorgeous works ladies!!! Love your cards Deanna!


These Ladies rock my world! their projects are awesome and very inspiring.

Sarah Klemish

Awesome! Congrats girls!!!

April W

Welcome to the team ladies! Your work is fabulous. :)
- April W


Lovely layouts, ladies~ :)

Julie Tucker-Wolek

GORGEOUS creations everyone! :):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Angela A

These projects are fabulous!! Thanks for sharing!

Sheri Feypel

All of your projects are amazing!!!

Pam Spradlin

Wonderful inspiration today with those cards and layouts.


Awesome introductions & their creations are FAB! Glad to see my fellow Nook pal, Deanna is part of this team!!


awesome projects girls!!!

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