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July 09, 2011


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karen OConnell

That is an awesome idea, I just love it!!!

Cari Cruse

Worms'n'dirt was always my "signature" dish, the grand finale, every year when I was the refreshments lady at VBS. These cups make it looked *extra* yummy! :D

Cynthia B.

How cute is this?! So creative - this really goes well with the party's camping theme. TFS!

Kelly Sas

My daughters used to love "dirt cake" when they were growing up. I love the updated way of presenting it! So looking forward to tomorrow!


They are adorable, the crate was a very nice touch!


Oh do I remember those dirt cakes. These are much more exciting then I remember. Love the worms... Looks Yummy...

Tanya Thompson

That is so adorable...I remember making dirt cups with worms with my children (they're grown now)...The flower garden theme for a party is fabulous. Thanks for sharing and inspiring.

Cricut Couple

My Gosh! This is one of the most adorable projects I have ever seen online! There isn't anything about it that isn't absolutely perfect!!!

Carol B

Adorable idea!

Carol B


I do not want this to end! I have really enjoyed the projects!

Kim Boken

So cute and a wonderful idea!


Oh wow, what a great idea. Now why can't I come up with stuff like that! LOL

Thanks for sharing!!


Great idea .... and a ver sweet home deco!!!

Sara Andrews

That is AWESOME!!

Too, too, cute!


That is so sweet, I need to make some of these with my DS!


oh my gosh, this is soooooo cute!!

Kris Dietz

What a great idea! Thank you for sharing.

dietzrobles at yahoo dot com


Such a clever idea!

Lagene Sands

Totally cute!!!!

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