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December 11, 2010


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Vanessa Wachlin

I SO love your space!!! ~Vanessa W


It's just perfect!


wow - so nice and clean and organized....I am green with envy!! Congrats!!

lynda p

that is so beautiful and what a "srubby" you have to realize that this hobby deserves a space in your home. love the color of your walls

Karen Taylor

Too Stinkin' cute!!! LOVE the movie reels...and a sofa...you can take a nap in your studio!!!


What an awesome husband you have-- and kids, from those notes on the whiteboards :) Your space is just fabulous!

Jean Marmo

Wonderful space!! How sweet of your husband!


Oh, I just love your space!!! What a great hubby you have to do that for you!!!! I love how you have it set up! Enjoy!!!




Wonderful space!! I love that everything is out and within arms reach!!

Cynthia B.

*sigh* It's beautiful!
Those blocks you have in your windows: Relax, Imagine, Dream...I think they're perfect because you can do all those things in this craft space! TFS!

Tina Mayo

i sooooooo love it!! it's perfect!!


I am in love with your space. It's cozy but connected to the rest of your home, you get to share it with your daughter, and it's packed with goodies! Something for me to work towards!


I think this is one of the nicest art spaces I have ever seen! I really like how it looks so well loved and used too, it's given me a lot of inspiration, thanks for showing us round!

Dana Tatar

Fabulous space Kim! Thanks for sharing!


amazing space!


what an amazing place to create! There's nothing chaotic about it, to me. You've given me a few ideas on how to rework my space over Christmas break, actually. Thanks!

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