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March 12, 2010


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Stacy Killion

I say some pretty crazy things to my boys throughout our days being home together. I think talking to toddlers will do that to you. One nickname I call them often is either Turkey Lurkey or Turkey Butt. Don't ask me why, it just comes out. :-)

Jenn C.


Ever since the mover Monsters Vs Aliens my family is always saying

SUUUUUSSSSSAN (we think we are funny)


I think this would be a great everyday encouragement card/ invite saying:

Spend the afternoon. You can't take it with you. ~Annie Dillard


Ohhh how cute is this kit... One thing I call my little son is my Monster.. how cute would this kit be to do layouts of him.. he is Mommy's Little Monster... but a good monster...
Thanks for the chance to win

Michel E

Every day is an opportunity to make a new happy ending. How true.

Lillian Child

Favorite birthday sentiment would be "Getting old ain’t for sissies!"

Lillian Child

My greatest blessing calls me Grandma.

Lillian Child

A sister is a best friend who really knows what your parents are like!

Janine R.

Hmmm,...I'm thinking a party paper line could possibly be in the making.....

"Age is just a number"

after all, "you are as young as you feel."

Michel E

Make every second count.

Never bite off more than you can chew.

Let's get this party started.

Don't sweat the little things.

Lillian Child

We’ve been through a lot together … and most of it was your fault!

katie squires

When someone farts or burps we say YOUR HORN IS WORKING CHECK YOUR LIGHTS...my Grandpa always said that and it stuck :)

My BFF is French and is always messing up English sayings, bless her...she will say things like jumping on the HAY RIDE instead of the BAND WAGON.

I have an English friend and I just love how she says things like SWIMMING COSTUME, and LOO :)


I find myself saying "I brought you into this world and I can take you out" quite a bit right now. I can't wait for summer vacation so we can lose the school stress for a few months!

Lillian Child

This is such fun ... here's one of my favorite card quotes for new parents: Having a child is surely the most beautifully irrational act that two people in love can commit.


I always liked:
Another year older but another year to gain wisdom.

Kelly Massman

It's not worth doing if it's not done right!

Kelly Massman

Use your power for good!

Mary Bridges

"Do as I say, not as I do"...my Mom's favorite quote...lol


Awww I gotta have this!!!! My favorite everyday sayings are the ones my 5 year says...not sure any of them would be appropriate for a card but they have made some darling scrap pages.....LOL. Right now he is stuck on saying "You're not making good choices" which is something they are telling them in school when they do something inapropriate......so he tells all of us the same thing when we do something he doesn't like and it comes out at some of the darnest times

Lucinda S

This line is wonderful. Thank you for the chance to win.

Happy Happy Birthday Were So Glad Your Here Happy Happy Birthday A Little Birthday Cheer.

Mary Bridges

"Same circus, different clowns"...the comment my ex-husband made to me when I moved from CO to Las Vegas...lol


My mom always said: it is nice to have kids but I wish they would have come with a manual!! Seeing the Little Monster Kit made me think about my own little monsters and that my mom is so right!

Mary Bridges

"Too much of a good thing can be wonderful"...Mae West. This is one of my favorite birthday party/card quotes!

Jean Marmo

Let's party!
Get your groove on!


I have a stamp that I use to make birthday cards that says: You're only a kid once, but you can be young for a lifetime.

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