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January 19, 2010


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shoot looks like fun wish I was there in person.

Carla Clark

Your booth looks like its going to be beautiful! Can't wait to see it.

Love the frame and look forward to seeing more informaiton.

Erika M

So exciting - wish I could be there but I'll be teaching!

Melinda Wilson

Everything looks wonderful! Too bad I will not see this in person :( . . . but have fun!!!!


ohhh it is hard not to be envious!


Looking forward to tomorrow!!!!!

AnnaMarie Ferrell

Fun! Can't wait to see the booth! Wish I could help set it up. But at least it won't be as sweaty as July. Have fun!

Jen D.

ooh I can't wait! Maybe I'll be lucky enough to get a shirt and do a make-n-take!


Awww...dang. I wish I was going! I'd love to get my hands on a t-shirt!!

Jen Stock

I am so excited to be there in person and see it all!!!!

Karen Keiper

i'm sure everyone who goes will have a blast


wow!!! me want flourish frames!!!

Stephanie Buice

I want a bella shirt!!!!!! PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSS?????????
I think you should sell them!

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