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December 31, 2009


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I love this! So cute!



Erika M

Neat layout!

Jana Eubank

Love the "christmas" going down the side! CUTE!


This is adorable!


That layout does look very Christmasy and fun!

I told the kit club owner I design for about your Blooms a Bella flowers I had won and how fun they were...and she included them in this month's kit along with 2 sheets of Bella patterned paper! Freehandscraps.com if anyone is interested :D

Happy New Year!!


Sweet page!


BEautiful LO! I was in scrapbook heaven a few days ago! I went into the LSS from my old hometown and she had Bella Blvd!!! Yeah! I actually got to see it, caress it, hold it in my hands! Oh--of course I bought it!

Christina Taylor

Thanks everybody for your super nice comments! I love looking at all of your blogs. I don't have one - yet! But I've been inspired to get it started soon!

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