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September 14, 2009


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Michelle Unruh

What awesome LO's Sheri!!! Love them!! Steph, glad you had a good time this weekend. Wondering where I can get these new collections?? I would love some!!


Love the layouts Sheri, as usual!!!

Erika M

Beautiful layouts!

AnnaMarie Ferrell

Sheri, I LOVE the Super Stud layout so much & will be copying it! And super cool about the ScrapPink crop. So glad it went well.


Love your pages Sherrie!! And love that your a Wii archery pro! ;) so excited for you being an artista!! Looking forward to the rest of the weeks posts!


sorry about the double *r* I put in your name....oops!

Krista Hanna

That super stud layout is gorgeous!!!! I LOVE IT!!! And the scrap pink event looks awesome, I can't wait to attend one next weekend!

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